Fast Babes Featured Rider: @atokadblaise

Name: Dakota Blaise Todd

Instagram: @atokadblaise

If you’ve every stopped by Quaid Harley-Davidson, you’ve probably seen the smiling face of Dakota! She also has a super cute pug named Bingo that will melt your heart 🥰


Where did you grow up and where do you currently reside? I was born and raised in the Inland Empire. I grew up in Highland, CA and I’m currently in Yucaipa, CA

How did you into riding?  I got involved with motorcycles because of my Step-Dad, Joe. He has a ton of experience riding & he taught me how to ride. He’s been in my life since I was in 6th grade, so he’s my DAD. When I was about 16 years old, I thought Harley’s were only for old dudes and I said I would never date a guy who rides a Harley. Well, it grew on me. A job became available at a Harley-Davidson that I snatched immediately! 

What was your first bike? This photo was taken right after I bought my first Harley from my dad in 2016. It was an ‘02 iron 883.


What do you currently ride and why? I currently ride a 2006 Dyna low rider. My brother was selling his Dyna, that was also my dads bike before that! They both took such great care of it, so I couldn’t let it go! I’m so glad i made the change. I love my boy, Tod. 😎

What is your happiest memory that involves motorcycles? I have A LOT of happy moments while riding. Let’s be honest, every moment riding is a happy one. One would be riding in a huge pack to the San Bernardino airport for an event at Quaid called “Ride The Runway”. I was able to ride next to Glenn Quaid up in the front of the pack and I’m not going to lie, when we rode on the airport runway, with the helicopter and everyone on the side cheering, I cried in my helmet. It was a very powerful moment.

And, of course, every time I can ride with my family! Each family member rides, even Mom! it’s always a great feeling to do that together!

Outside of motorcycles, tell us a little about yourself? The best decision I have made was to start working at Harley-Davidson.. it’s changed my life for the better, It’s a huge part of me. Every day I get to go to work and do motorcycle things. When I’m not working, I love to work out, hang out with family and Fun fact: hearing people laugh is one of my favorite things. I love laughing and making others laugh too! Anyone who knows me knows how obsessed I am with my pug, Bingo. I love being a dog mom! One of my favorite hobbies is taking naps, who doesn’t love a good nap? My mom, Rebekah, is my best friend. As I’ve gotten older I’ve not only realized that she is one of the coolest, most bad-ass women out there but she’s hilarious too and I just love spending time with her.

How have you become a more confident rider? Things you’ve done to help you gain confidence? I’ve become more confident by pushing myself to do something new every time I ride. For example, pushing it a little harder in mountain curves. I’ve gotten more and more confident over time because I watch how others ride, I ask a ton of questions and soak it all in. I’m still learning 5 years later.


What is your dream trip/bucket list ride(s)? My dream trip would be to go across the country, like Taylor did. I think it’s so bad ass. I want only a small amount of clothes, I want to go to different Harley dealerships to collect poker chips and honestly, this may sounds crazy to some but I want to be all sweaty and gross and just experience it all. I remember working in MotorClothes and people would come in from long trips they’re doing and they’d buy a new t shirt ‘cause theirs was dirty. I’m like “YESSS! I want to do that.”

How do you think motorcycles have changed your life? Oh my goodness motorcycles have changed my life for the better. They have literally helped shape who I am. Sometimes I think.. “WOW I ride a motorcycle. Wtf!” Being in the Harley world has led me to meet the love of my life. My Harley has led me to beautiful places.. usually where food is, and I’ve met so many new friends and great people. Riding is my therapy and it’s always a memorable time. Not everyone gets to experience zen at 80mph. 

Riding my motorcycle has changed my life, made me more confident, more adventurous, a stronger person and I’m so thankful! 

Do you have any upcoming motorcycle trips/rides planned?  I would love to attend a babes ride out sometime in the future. What’s better than a bunch of mega bad ass chicks, motorcycles and food?? 

I also want to plan a ride to the beach to smell that fresh, salty air and eat a burrito.


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