Fast Babes Featured Rider: @JESCAKATE
Name: Jessica Sinclair
Instagram: @jescakate
Jessica is one of the most real people you will ever encounter in the female motorcycle community. She will shoot you straight and always holds her own. You can often find her ripping around on her black and orange Sportster putting the Dyna Bros to shame. Also, her hat and sunglasses game is very strong.
Where did you grow up and where do you currently reside? I’m from Edmond, Oklahoma and I’m in North Hollywood now.
How did you initially get involved with motorcycles? I kept kinda gravitating toward them and at the time I had no hobbies outside of working working working. I asked my dad to take the MSF course with me in October 2017 for my birthday.
When did you get your first bike and what was it? I came home from taking the course in Oklahoma and started searching Craigslist immediately. I wanted something cheap that I wouldn’t be sad if I dropped it. I found a Yamaha VStar for like $1,500 and a friend helped me get that.
What do you currently ride and why? I ride a 2008 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200XLC. Soon after purchase the vstar started having issues that where going to cost more than it’s worth to fix, I started scanning for another bike. I wanted something unique and when I saw the Orange and Black I was fixated. I would just look at it on the website and daydream.
What is your happiest memory that involves motorcycles? Whew. Most of them are pretty happy. I’d say my cross country trip in 2020. There were so many ups and downs but it was so beautiful and I didn’t have a time restraint, I just went and did what I wanted.
Outside of motorcycles, tell us a little about yourself? I’m a makeup artist in the film industry for 15 years now. Working on getting into IATSE 706 union so I can work on larger projects.
How have you become a more confident rider? Things you’ve done to help you gain confidence? It’s all about seat time. My learning hasn’t been and still isn’t linear. I get good at certain skills then somethings startles me and I have to relearn and work back up to where I was. The only thing that helps is practice and seat time.
What is your dream trip/bucket list ride(s)? I’d love to ride around Europe sometime. Or across and all over the USA again.
How do you think motorcycles have changed your life? I may have dove too deep into the sport, as most of my life revolves around it now but it really gave me an excuse to get out of the house when I had a slow work year in 2018. Practicing really helped fill my time when I most likely would have been way more depressed if I didn’t have motorcycles.
Do you have any upcoming motorcycle trips/rides planned? Some people know I can’t plan ahead with my freelance schedule. I know anywhere from the week to the day before if I can go. So yeah, tons planned. Let’s see which I get to attend though!